Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Crossroads? Crossmoods?

Pseudonym - Leah
Occupation - Student
Bank balance - $-6.24.....

(My thoughts) The date 21/04/2011...... I have seen the ads for donating money to cancer causes but I never thought it would happen so close to me...the ads say 1 in 5 people will know someone who has cancer or someone who knows someone who has right were they. The cause for my sharingness? Where do I begin.....well let's go back 2 months when I found out my nana has cancer....Nana, the Matriarch of my family. The woman who has done so much for her family, the one who introduce me to country music and singing, the one who raise my mother and her siblings to be strong woman, loving woman, amazing woman. I had an inkling that our families good fortune might run out soon, how right was I. The thing it's hard to know just exactly how one feels when one finds out this news and even harder to know how to deal with this information. From a personal point of view, I'm not exactly dealing at all. I tell you what's a bitch to try and go see her especially when I lead a student's life.

Unfortunately, our family fortune reduces even further in that my only nephew, my brother's only son...child suffers asthma severely and is currently in starship, on life support. But over the last week, there has been signs of improvement which is a glimmer of hope for us all.

Anytime, you see (my thoughts) this is actually my thoughts its doesn't necessarily have anything to do with my blog.

I've just spent two hours cleaning my house....yes it is possible that it resemble somewhat of a pig sty before, all with knowing I would have the reward of a dvd and chocolate afterwards......well as you've seen at the top of this blog bank balance is not in a accommodating position to provide a dvd and chocolate so embracing the student life, I will get a spoon and the pam's chocolate spread to substitute chocolate and I will watch Bridget Jones for the millionth time. There is something about Bridget that I really love..can't quite put my finger on it......
Ciao for now

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